Hey guys! So as you may know Curvy Kate have been in the press a little lately, mainly due to the fact that because we deal with boobs all day everyday we've picked up the trick of being able to bra fit women by just looking at them. This is a talent that we considered to be quite normal however the rest of Britain were pretty amazed!
Anyway, since offering our bra fitting service online (click here for more info), we have found that the number of women in the incorrect size is more likely to be a staggering 99% as opposed to 80%...something that we need to sort out!! 2016 will be the year of the bra fit!!!
So how come this number is so dramatic? How come so many women are in the incorrect size? Well I think there are number of reasons but one is because the media portray bra sizes and celebrity sizes in an incorrect light which then in turn makes women think they are a completely different size.....soooo I decided to put my talents to the test and 'Bra fit' these well known celebrities, telling you the sizes the media believe they are and the size I think they should be wearing. So get ready, here goes....
First up, of course it is Kim Kardashian's boobs. Arguably the most famous woman in the world, Kimmy's assets are constantly under scrutiny however the size the media believe she is and the size she should be wearing are completely different...
1) Kim Kardashian
Media Size: 32E
Bra Whisperer Size: 28GG/H
2) Cameron Diaz
Media Size: 34B
Bra Whisperer Size: 30D
3) Christina Hendricks
Media Size: 38E
Bra Whisperer Size: 32HH
4) Beyonce
Media Size: 36C
Bra Whisperer Size: 30F/FF
5) Taylor Swift
Media Size: 34A
Bra Whisperer Size: 28D/DD
6) Kelly Brook
Media Size: 34E
Bra Whisperer Size: 30GG/H
7) Scarlett Johansson
Media Size: 34C
Bra Whisperer Size: 28F
8) Pamela Anderson
Media Size: 34DD
Bra Whisperer Size: 28J

9) Rebel Wilson
Media Size: 42DD
Bra Whisperer Size: 38E
10) Eva Mendes
Media Size: 34B
Bra Whisperer Size: 28E/F

So there's a quick look at the celebrities and how they and the media are getting it very very wrong. It's a vicious cycle of the media educating us on size perceptions and celebrities and the general public taking note and never getting fitted or even realising they are in the wrong size.
It's always the same old story, most women we meet need to go down at least two back sizes and up at least 2 cup sizes and the same rings true here. All of these fabulous celebrities would look and feel better if only they wore the correct size bra.
If this post strikes a cord with you and you think you could be in the wrong size then click here to see where you might be going wrong and how to remedy this. Equally if you're really struggling to find the correct size then head to the Curvy Kate website (here) and up load your photos and information so the Bra Whisperer can tell you your size