Guest Blog: Falling for The Babydoll by Ariel Pierre Louis

With two new beautiful Babydolls making a return to Curvy Kate this season we knew what we had to do, get the full-time babe and Curvy Kate's girl crush Ariel Pierre Louis to review her first EVER babydoll...
Being in a #visiblyplussize body for most of my life I have been taught to cover up and disappear, but as the societal rebel and dismantler I been born to be, I love to show off my body and wear all the little outfits we as plus size/fat women are told not to wear. It has taken me years to gain the confidence to be this way and even now sometimes societal fatphobia and respectability can get to me. So naturally, I have stayed away from the ‘babydoll’ lingerie at the risk of wearing lingerie that has been deemed “big girl lingerie” but when I got offered the Dragonfly Babydoll set from the lovely team at Curvy Kate to wear for the first time and see how I felt. at first, I was apprehensive and concerned that it wasn't going to compliment my shape, would it look like I'm trying to hide my body and that it would generally far from the young sexy fun look I'm accustomed to? Regardless of all my reservations, I agreed…
When the lingerie arrived it was in this cute blush pink package with a sticker that read “royal mail” from there I was admittedly excited I open up the package and see this beautiful sexy lingerie piece in this delicate Curvy Kate branded wrapping paper that was black/Burgundy which was very autumn and in season; (LOVE IT by the way). Still apprehensive on how it would look on I rushed to try on the piece, now for the moment of truth...
...It looked AMAZING, see-through in a very classic way, it's comfortable which is something I'm not used to in a lingerie, the set was soft and clearly made of quality fabric, I also loved the fact that because it is a babydoll it leaves me to be like a sexy gift that still has some unwrapping to do ;) haha I absolutely love it and can honestly say that trying this piece on has turned me around and opened my eyes to other types of sexy I may have not been open to before. I definitely plan on adding babydolls in my future lingerie shopping list along with my thongs, garter belts, bodysuits etc as both a comfortable yet very sexy alternative to the lingerie I'm used to purchasing.